Strahan, Day 1: Another driving day, but …  

Every second day of this roadtrip part of our holiday is a driving day, and today’s, from Stanley to Strahan, was one of the longest. However, even a long drive in Tasmania is usually not that long, not like driving in central Australia, for example, as we did in July. So, we realised we had time … Read more

Launceston, Day 2: A wining we will go  

Before we talk about today’s adventures, we did want to mention an important topic for all road-trippers, road kill! We’ve seen rather a lot here – mostly smaller kill than the kangaroos and occasional wombat or fox we have around our way. Ian observed to us that this amount of road kill is new in Tasmania. … Read more

Launceston, Day 1: Coast to country

Shh, don’t tell Ian, but I was apprehensive about coming to Tasmania in the spring. Indeed, I’m always apprehensive about travelling anywhere in spring; it can be so changeable. So, with much of our Tasmanian trip to be focused on the outdoors, I worried that cold, windy weather would spoil it, because, let’s face it, … Read more