Outback Queensland Trip 2024, Day 19-20: familiarising ourselves with Meanjin/Maganjin/Brisbane 

In Turban Country Our Outback Spirit Tour might be over but our trip is continuing for a few more days, to enable us to explore Brisbane and enjoy some warmth before returning south. We had some ideas about how to spend our time, but for fun I thought I’d ask Chat GPT again for a … Read more

Melbourne Trip 2020 (Feb): There and back

We have been visiting Melbourne a few times a year for several years now, because both our children, and now our first grandchild, all live there. We don’t usually blog about these visits, because, although we do some sightseeing, the visits are mostly about private family stuff. However, this February we did some things we’d … Read more

Thredbo 2020, Days 1 & 2: A lazy start

We’ve had the laziest start ever to our annual Thredbo holiday because of the weather! It rained! And quite a bit. You know, that wet stuff that falls from the sky? Backtracking though, we got off promptly and did our usual trip down, stopping at Cooma’s The Lott for our morning cuppa and wildbrumby for … Read more

Port Macquarie Trip 2019, Days 8-10: A bit of this, a bit of that

The last three days have been mostly uneventful, comprising a lot of driving, in fact, except for… Day 8, our last in Port What to do with our last day? It was a bit of a challenge because we had thought of doing a whale watching tour. However, it seemed that we were in the … Read more

Thredbo 2019, Days 1 & 2: Mild and wet

I titled last year’s first Thredbo Trip post, “Hot and wet”. This year’s needs just a slight change from “Hot” to “Mild”, and it’s done. In other words, Day 1 this year was quite mild, indeed well over 10°C cooler than Day 1 last year, but Day 2 was again wet. In fact, I venture … Read more