Outback Queensland Trip 2024, Day 16: it’s all about Carnarvon Gorge

In Mandandanji country I’m very sorry for the scattiness of yesterday’s post – I was so tired and my proof-reader was asleep!  The way I work is to make rough notes as we go, paste them into the blog, and then massage them into shape. Unfortunately, the massager’s hands were not up to scratch last … Read more

Outback Queensland Trip 2024, Day 15: off to Springsure

In Gayuri country Our second night at Mitchell Grass Retreat was a mixed night in terms of wind, but there were more moments of calm, but I enjoyed the wind, though I’m not sure all in our tour group did. Anyhow, we breakfasted in the “Tin Shed’ again and were off. Before I talk about the … Read more

Outback Queensland Trip 2024, Day 14: a day in Longreach

In Iningai country Our first glamping night at Mitchell Grass Retreat was rather wild because of wind. It blew all night and everything that could flap did flap. We never felt insecure, because the tent’s floor and support structure are solid. It was just the noise. Also, in the morning, it was discombobulating doing your … Read more

TitleOutback Queensland Trip 2024, Day 13: it’s all about the dinosaurs

In Iningai (Yiningayi) country. There was joy today and some claps, when Len told our tour leaders that he had tested negative for COVID. So far no one else on the bus has contracted it, though at least two that we know of have tested. We would be so pleased to make it to the … Read more

Outback Queensland Trip 2024, Day 12: onto a childhood nemesis, Winton

In Koa Country. Today was the last down-memory-lane day of this outback tour for me. It would not have been the last, however, had my family’s 1964-65 Christmas-New Year Trip not come somewhat asunder just outside of Winton. I’ll explain, but if you are not interested, just skip the next paragraph. Flashback to December 1964 … We’d … Read more